Sunday, June 2, 2019

Breaking Rules

One of the things that was that was part of the "American" way was good sportsmanship.  The idea that you try as hard as possible to defeat an opponent, but at the end you follow the rules and treat the opposition with respect.

It might actually be something we borrowed from the Brits, who tend to exemplify it.

While it clearly is something that originated in the playing fields it was something that we treasured, at least we used to.

We even have rules for how to fight wars, the Geneva conventions

Americans mostly expect that you will abided by the rules, although sometimes a little cheating is acceptable, unless you get caught.

The question though, is caught by who?

In politics the rules are enforced by the voters, or at least they are supposed to be.  Yes the parties and the legislative bodies, as well as the courts get involved, but ultimately it is the voters who decide what is and what is not acceptable.

They are falling down on the job.

We saw a significant change in how the rules are followed in 2016, and saw bullying and lying as well as involvement of a foreign power end up with the help of a not representative electoral college, give us a rule breaking President.

In some parts of the country it was felt that following the rules wasn't working especially in States where manufacturing had declined and those good paying high benefit jobs also vanished.

Still, they wanted the rules to be broken to change that and ended up with a reverse Robin Hood, taking from them and giving to the rich.

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