Monday, June 24, 2019


Well we are imposing more sanctions on Iran and are apparently willing to have talks with them without preconditions.  They have said they see no point in dealing with us since we are not trustworthy.

We obviously aren't as we withdrew from an agreement that was lawfully entered into and with which they were complying.

If we are going to honor lawful agreements, why would anyone deal with us?

Maybe it was a bad agreement, maybe it wasn't, but it was probably better than no agreement at all.

As we muddle along with no clear policies, just the latest fantasies of the dontard, we see our position in the world being demeaned.

We see increased costs because of the tariffs, farmers in trouble, no additional manufacturing, no trade agreement yet with our North American neighbors, more asylum seekers, no progress in reducing any one's nuclear program, no reduction in Russian aggression and less unity in NATO.

Letting a quirky TV network guide policy decisions is clearly not the best strategy.

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