Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Respect for All

Suppose the Pledge of Allegiance was changed so that instead of under God it went under Allah?

The outrage would be hard to control, especially on outlets like Fox news and various conservative radio shows.

Of course there is essentially no difference between under God and under Allah unless you believe Islam has a different God than Christianity.

Since Christians are taught there is in fact only one God, even if some believe in the trinity, you would be denying your Christian faith to believe that.

Its not going to happen and in many places they don't say under God at all because of the separation of Church and State.

The point is that if there is only one God, what does it matter what we call him/her/it?

I've seen interviews where Americans have gotten fired up by certain conservative talk shows to believe that the Government was getting ready to impose Sharia law.

Clearly this wasn't about to happen.

We have a President who every chance he gets wraps himself in the flag, an action aptly described as the last recourse of a scoundrel.

The flag does represent America but the respect you show it is for America, not the material it is made of.

America is and always will be the people who reside here, not matter what religion, political party, race, sexual orientation, or gender they might be.

Each of them deserves to be respected.

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