Saturday, August 17, 2019

Democracy Hi-Jacked

We have been witnessing a coup in this country which has undercut the will of the people.

It was done cleverly and legally, but the result is the same.

Its success is such that undoing it may take years, if it can ever be undone.

Realizing the importance of state legislatures in defining the framework of districts allowed the Republican party to win control in 11 additional states.

This resulted in the results of the 2010 census and the redistricting that took place to establish large number of "safe" republican districts.

They used complex computer models to devise districts that concentrated "Democratic" voters in a few districts while maintaining safe "Republican" majorities in a majority.

So a state might actually have a majority of its population vote for one party but see the House and State legislature won by the minority party.

Yes to some extent Gerrymandering has gone on for ever in this country, but now it has become scientifically aided.

Two things need to happen.  State legislative sears need to be focused on and we need a better way to design districts.

Democracy is a wonderful system if it is allowed to work.

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