Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday Thoughts

While the dontard will undoubtedly talk about the great success he is having at the G7 meetings, and it seems like he is getting some good French cooking, all reports indicate he is be treated as an unruly toddler while all his policies are opposed.

Trade is the first and the world doesn't like what he is doing.  Most Americans don't either and maybe he will come to his senses, but more likely he will double down.  He didn't have four bankruptcies by being prudent.

They also don't like his position on climate change, if he actually has one and would like the US to take some realistic actions.  Of course the Amazon burning is making it worse.  He was or wasn't considering trying to use nuclear weapons to fight hurricanes.  Since it is totally nonsensical, it does seem like one of his ideas.

Iran got invited to the meeting for a day which led to discussions about ways to buy Iranian oil if they would honor the Nuclear deal.  We didn't participate.  I suspect they don't invite us to anything they don't have to.

It seems like we were told during the last election how he would change our relationship with foreign countries.  He implied he would make it better and provide a leadership role.  Well maybe he really meant he would get us treated like a pariah.

It worked.

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