Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Our Failures Abroad

I can't think of a situation that involves any foreign nation where we are better off than we were under the previous administration.

Concerning trade and trade deals, we have no new ones, are losing our influence in Asia and are in the midst of a trade war with China.  How that might turn out is anyone's guess but the odds aren't looking favorable.

We have allowed the North Koreans to play our egomaniac who was pretty clearly outmaneuvered by theirs.  We got nothing, they got some prestige.

Japan and South Korea are having issues which while not directly involving us show how unimportant we have become.

India and Pakistan are generally ignoring us as the dispute over Kashmir continues.

The middle east is perhaps the brightest spot since we did some damage to ISIS but they continue, the Taliban is ready to retake Afghanistan and Iran is preparing to restart nuclear weapon development.  We have alienated a lot of middle eastern states by our action related to Jerusalem and the West Bank with no offsetting gain.  Our initiative there seems to be an economic one and it isn't being received well.

Russia is doing whatever it wants in the region, in the Ukraine and is likely to attempt to influence our elections.  They mainly want to destroy our institutions.

Our European allies, if we can still call them that, refused our invitation to jointly protect oil shipments in the straights of Hormuz.  They really don't have much use for us although they do support NATO.

Here in the Americas we have the issues with Central America and Immigration and our biggest failure to date in Venezuela.  Maybe this will all fall into place somehow.

We were close to a new NAFTA, not much different than the old NAFTA but it hasn't been ratified yet.

Perhaps everything will be a great success soon.  We know someone will claim it is via tweet.

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