Monday, August 19, 2019

What Immigration Policy?

I was reading an article earlier about Bosnian Refugees who revitalized a St. Louis neighborhood in the late 90s.  It became know as little Bosnia but as they became more and more integrated into America, they have now largely moved to the suburbs.

Unfortunately the area they left behind is once again suffering.

Its actually a fairly typical immigrant/refugee story where they come here, find some place they can settle and afford, work hard, Americanize their children, and like millions before them flee the urban area.

The problem is that the area they left suffered again because we didn't have new refugees to move in..

I read another story about how seniors in Maine are having trouble finding caregivers because their numbers have grown and the number of young people is not large enough.  The article predicted that Maine is a forerunner of many other areas as we simply have a growing senior population.

One of the big issues with defined benefit pensions and Social Security is simply that the number of people getting benefits is growing but the number of workers is not keeping up.

We are desperately in need of young families in this country yet we are doing everything we can to discourage them.

Who thinks that makes sense?

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