Sunday, August 4, 2019

More Dead

Maybe its the heat but we have had a spate of mass shootings in the last couple of weeks, Gilroy, El Paso and now Dayton.

There is no justification for them and they also seem to stem from various mental defects.

We have the suspect from El Paso but the other two died in their events.

We are not going to be able to identify people likely to commit such a crime, we don't have the resources or the capability.  It is also almost certain that for every loner who picks up a gun there are many, many more who don't.

The only real common denominator is the guns they use and their ability to kill large numbers of people in a short time.

People have a constitutional right to bear arms, but not any arms.  We certainly wouldn't allow a citizen to have a nuclear device.  What about a gun that fired a nuclear bullet?

We can place sensible restrictions on deadly weapons without attacking that right.  It was never intended for this.

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