Sunday, August 18, 2019

Who Are They?

When I browse the internet or read the news it is sometimes difficult to reconcile what I see with what I experience.

The news is filled with so many angry people while the majority of the people I meet aren't hateful at all.

They generally want to be able to live their lives and let others do the same.

At times I'm not even sure what they are angry about.

There were alt right marchers in Portland and counter protesters.

The alt right were demonstrating because being white men in America is so oppressive.

I think.

The counter protesters think its others who are oppressed.

I think.

The theme of the protest was to end domestic terrorism, something it seems we would all agree on.

However, since alt-Right people are organizing it, I'm not sure if they are talking about the domestic terrorism of El Paso, or the fact that they are being terrorized into being politically correct.

Also not sure why they picked Portland, although it does have a pretty liberal reputation.

I guess the counter protesters want to continue whatever domestic terrorism the alt right wants to stop.

It was organized by groups in Florida which is terrible hot in August so maybe a trip to Portland seemed like a good idea.

Hope they enjoy the city.

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