Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Wall Progress

Progress on building the useless border wall is going on slowly.  So far about 13% of the latest revised amount is built.  Since we are now down to 450 miles from the original 1000, we are closer to 5% of the original number.

The numbers don't really mean anything.  The parts of the border that are inhospitable, which is much of it, is already inaccessible without expert help.  That same expert help will go where the wall isn't or go where the wall is breached.

Not sure why we don't allow them to apply for admittance legally and do background checks.

It needs to be pointed out that of the Hispanics in this country, the great majority are here legally.  It should also be pointed out that we acquired quite a few as we annexed territory in the southwest in the 1800s.

The simple fact is that they want to come here because they can get work and be relatively free of the violence in their home countries.  I never understood why so many Americans seem to think they threaten them.

People who want to come here are not criminals, until we decide to call them that.

Its a self made problem.

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