Monday, August 12, 2019

Racist or White Nationalist, Does it Matter?

First it should be noted that while not very common in this country, Racists can come in all skin tones.

So clearly if you are not white but still a racist, you are not going to be a white nationalist.

However another distinction arises from other factors.

White Nationalists may simply believe that their country should remain "pure"

Similar to the separate but equal doctrine, they may not feel that other races are inferior (they probably do but don't have to) only that they should go "home".

Either way you express your intolerance and bigotry, but in slightly different ways.

So what one is our President?  Probably both, although he doesn't realize he's a racist.

He has a long family history of racism, although he probably thinks the people he excluded from his apartment complexes were simply poor or dirty.

Some of them might have been, but when you can decide that by simply looking at the color of their skin, you are in fact...a racist.

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