Sunday, August 25, 2019


A jury found a white man guilty of killing a black man.

It shouldn't be big news except many expected his defense that he felt his life was threatened by this black man who had simply parked illegally for a short while with his family.

When he accosted the wife and children waiting in the car while the man ran into the store, the man came out and shoved him.

The white man, feeling entitled and maybe thinking I finally get to use my gun. pulled out his gun.

The black man started to back off but the white man killed him in front of his family anyways.

Clearly we expected him to get acquitted.

The fact that he didn't is clearly a step forward and we need to make sure we keep going.

Defending yourself is fine and standing your ground is fine.

Killing unarmed people posing no believable threat to you isn't.

Even if they are big black men.

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