Friday, August 9, 2019

Round Up?

What really is the point of going to businesses and rounding up undocumented people who are working and paying taxes?

If the argument is that they broke the law by coming here in the first place, but are now simply living a normal working class life and raising a family, maybe the punishment should be a fine or other restriction.

We can still control our borders but at some point we have to realize that upwards of 11 million people living here came without authorization.

If they are living here we have evidence of what kind of resident they are.  If they are in fact law abiding, except for the means of entry, why are we rooting them out?

If they commit a serious crime deport them.  If not we should probably allow them to apply for a retroactive visa based on the exhibited good behavior since there arrival.

Is this amnesty?  Maybe, but it just seems like common sense.

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