Monday, September 16, 2019

Failed Policies

Diplomacy is one of those things that is hard to get right but extremely important.

It may not seem that way when you listen to the talking heads on "news" channels who spell out exactly what should be done.  I love it when they spell out a course of action and act like it is a guaranteed roadmap to success.  Often they say things like "Well what else could they do?.

The fact that they may find multiple options outside the imagination of these commentators is actually almost certain.

We have an amateur in charge of our Government who hires based more on ideology than competence.

With the bombing of the Saudi oil fields we see an option probably not considered on morning commentary shows.

Is our Iran policy a success?  Well it might be too early to say, but so far it isn't achieving much.  We have inflicted pain on their economy but it appears that in most of the world we are seen as the problem.

We abrogated a multi nation agreement that was being followed for political reasons.  It was not an agreement that gave us everything and Iran nothing, unconditional surrenders don't happen without a war.

If the idea was to force additional concessions from Iran by being tough, well so far it is not working.

Nor is anything else.

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