Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Selling Ideas

Its often said that all politics are local meaning we vote because of issues that impact us directly.

Many of the issues being debated have little impact on people's day to day lives.

Things like the size of our paycheck or benefit payment are big issues.  Proposals that will reduce those are not very popular.

What people want to hear is that things are going to be better.  One of the reasons we are where we are today politically is that when Obamacare passed the narrative was controlled by the opposition.

The good aspects were effectively suppressed and the fact that it increased coverage and saved money was widely ignored.

American are very much in support of its provisions now, concerning pre-existing conditions, children covered until age 26 and preventive care at no additional cost.

Major plans have to clearly demonstrate how they help the average American.

Its their country after all.

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