Friday, September 20, 2019

What Is Legal?

This is a nation of laws that apply to everyone.

At times those laws impact elected officials and when they do those elected officials if found guilty are penalized.

We have a bit of an unusual situation when that elected official is the President.

The constitution assigns the process to our elected officials to effectively indict and then convict or acquit based on evidence.

One crime would be obstruction of justice.

So is it legal to order witnesses not to answer questions under the pretense of executive privilege?

Does executive privilege exist in a criminal investigation?

If it does and if it can be used it seems to undermine the entire process.

Unfortunately the whole process has been largely compromised by the current state of politics in this country where right or wrong is now determined based on party loyalty, not ethics.

Each side blames the other.  Its up to the American public to figure it out and vote.  Its not going to be easy to fix, but we need to restore ethics into our politics.

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