Sunday, September 29, 2019

Whistleblower and Hearsay, So?

One of the things about hearsay is that it is, by itself, of questionable value, since it is one persons account of what another person said.  It is generally inadmissible in court cases since the person doing the actual talking should be the one questioned, not someone who heard him/her.

However, hearsay is certainly constantly used in investigations and other matters, providing a path to determine who needs to be investigated, or questioned.

Some are attacking the whistleblower report because it relies to a large extent on hearsay.

Since the purpose of a whistleblower report is to alert others to possible bad behavior, hearsay is certainly acceptable since it will be the results of the investigation that matter.

We have the transcript of the call that was the heart of the whistleblower complaint and it verifies the hearsay in the complaint.

It is part of the process to uncover corruption and it worked.

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