Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Internet has made us Stupid

I was watching something on the Internet the other day talking about the top things many Americans believe that aren't true.

It was a bit scary in many respects but based on some results of "man on the street" interviews, many were not that surprising (yes a lot believe big foot exists).

However one statistic, based on a Pew Study was scary.

Almost 50% of Americans believe that major media just makes up false stories.

Yes I've heard the dontard carry on about fake media, but I didn't realize he was believed by so many.

I'm not talking about fringe news outlets either, but network news and respected newspapers.

I realize they use deceptive headlines and other tricks to catch your interest but even those publications you see on the checkout line turn out to use deceptive headlines but actually in the story stick to actual facts mostly.

Yes some of the stuff you see on social media is just false but that is from tainted sources.

I blame the Internet but it is also the constant attacks we see on some cable news and of course the dontard.

It explains a lot if that many people simply ignore factual news reports and rely on propaganda.

Its also scary.

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