Monday, September 9, 2019

Meeting with the Taliban?

Can you imagine the uproar if President Obama had proposed a secret meeting with the Taliban?

The current inhabitant of the White House is apparently calling off a secret meeting he had planned because he discovered they are not friends of America.


They allowed terrorist groups opposed to Israel and the US to operate freely in their country when they were in charge.

After 9-11 we invaded and effectively drove them from power.

They are among the most extreme Islamic fundamentalist that exist, and while they obviously have the right to believe whatever they want, they impose those beliefs and Sharia law in the harshest way possible.

This dontard likes to befriend tyrants and dictators of all stripes.

He calls American citizens disloyal to Israel yet plans to meet with a group that would be happy to drive the Jewish state into the sea.

Of course he is simply an opportunist and like all opportunists his schemes are not based on policy or beliefs, just what he think will benefit him.

Time for a change.

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