Saturday, September 21, 2019

Is the Ukraine his Waterloo?

In, I suspect, every culture there is a term or expression similar to Karma, or Hubris.  Generally it is the belief that things will even up eventually.

Whether you think its the action of the Gods or simply the law of averages, those who fly too close to the sun eventually get burned.

Now is a series of fortunate or perhaps unfortunate events we have seen the election of a person with more Hubris than anyone.

He has gotten away with almost everything as a wealthy celebrity and has convinced enough American to vote for him because of a coalition of what are close to lost causes.

He has put together a coalition of anti abortion evangelicals, white nationalists, gun supporters and various hate groups (racists, misogynists, homophobes, isolationists, etc.)

He was fortunate that we have an electoral college that allows someone who loses the actual vote to win narrowly.

It seems clear that he is due for some Karma and losing an election is probably not enough.

His broken promises about coal and manufacturing, his harmful farm policies, his environmental destruction and his foreign policy blunders are all building up.

Does he have any wishes left is the only question.

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