Friday, September 13, 2019

Shebate, Hebate they all Debate

And the winner is.....

Probably Joe Biden since he basically wins by not losing at this point.  Otherwise everyone seemed to do OK with the possible exception of Julian Castro who took a cheap shot or two at Biden.

Pretty sure he did it because it seemed to work, at least for a time for Kamala Harris in the first debate.

They did articulate some differences but in general they agree on the main platform points that are emerging.

Universal Health Care.
Strong Action to Combat Climate Change
Improved Immigration Policy
Better International Trade Agreements
End to "Endless" Wars
Reduce Racism and Social Injustice

What I didn't hear addressed was how to reduce the deficit and pay down the National Debt.

There were some discussions about how to pay for new proposals, like Medicare for All, but assuming that is covered we still have a tremendous debt to pay down.

The other thing is that we now hear presidential candidates talk like they can do anything they want.

Joe Biden did point out that it has to be constitutional.  No one really addressed how they could do these things if they had a hostile congress in one or both houses.

Even if swept into office with control of both houses, they will have to deal with a Supreme Court that is becoming more conservative.

They have to make promises, but keeping them might be difficult indeed.  Still, you have t try.

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