Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Progressive Agenda

In the next election the Democrats are faced with a small dilemma concerning who the nominee should be.

It is not so much a question of what side of each issue they are on but more an issue of how far along the spectrum they should be positioned.

The desire that each American should receive affordable health care when needed is a fairly common goal.  Is it an all or nothing goal though?

The trouble with compromising is that it doesn't seem to be effective in today's political climate.

The Affordable Care Act was crafted to include many provisions the other side had supported but it didn't garner a single opposition vote, was widely attacked and probably led to the loses in 2010 that have shaped the way many states were gerrymandered.

It is still under attack although of course it has actually become quite popular.

Would it have been better to have implemented universal health care when the democrats controlled both houses and the presidency?

Probably couldn't have passed it and as we saw if you lose the whole issue gets delayed.

You have to get what you can when you can or risk getting nothing.

The end game can stay in view.

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