Saturday, September 7, 2019

Individual Decisions

When talking about the environment and climate change it is important to think about the little things as well as the big things.

Most o the emissions are related to big industries and revolve largely around the burning of fossil fuels.

These issues need to be addressed if we are going to make real progress.

However, it doesn't make sense to do thing in our individual lives, when we have good alternatives, that also contribute.

Yes the issues related to things like light bulbs and plastic straws are not the solution.  But if you use an inefficient bulb or straw, you are in a small measure contributing to the problem.

In our everyday life we should make decisions that are good, not bad.

Not just related to the environment, better to walk up a flight of stairs then take the elevator, but these decisions are yours to make.  Some things that are known to hurt the environment or people should probably be banned, but those decisions should be carefully considered.

Just make good decisions about what you are doing, why make it worse?

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