Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Saudi Attack.

Its a sad day when the credibility of the administration is so low that you question pretty much everything they say.

Its even worse because they seem to contradict themselves frequently.

Take the question of who attacked the Saudi Oil Facilities.

This should be something that is easily answered since the Saudis have some of the most sophisticated defense systems in the world.

The idea that they didn't detect the attack is questionable in the first place.

Then we have one high level administration official saying it was Iran, while the Saudis are non committal and the dontard says we need more evidence.

Meanwhile a rebel group in Yemen is taking responsibility but of course they are accused of lying, we accuse everyone of lying nowadays.

It is also interesting to note that the Saudis wanted to cut production at the latest OPEC meeting but that was opposed by us.

This attack conveniently accomplished just that.  It also has led us to impose more sanctions on Iran, which we have no problem doing.

It just seems that in today's day and age with the technology the Saudis and we have that such an attack should have been detected.

Something is rotten in the Kingdom.

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