Saturday, September 28, 2019

Improper Behavior

It is hard to judge whether we live in particularly bad times considering the behavior of our public officials.

What is clear is that we have more information than they did in the past, so for instance, we know almost instantly when they do something.

In the past there would be a delay.

In the days before television and maybe radio, news was slower and a bit more filtered.

Many of our public officials engaged in certain behavior which was essentially ignored by the media of the time.

Nothing is currently ignored.

The past of course had its own corruption and feuds.  Famously John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were bitter rivals.  Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel over comments about his character.

Our history is filled with politicians lining their own pockets and engaging in questionable practices.

Some were clearly better than others but even in recent times we have had Presidents with questionable histories and behaviors.  

The current incumbent has a history of sexist behavior, improper business dealings and ongoing lying and paranoia.

Is he the worst ever?  Like I said, its hard to judge, but he is in the running.

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