Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Conspiracy for Everything!

Perhaps the worst thing about the explosion in media access that took place over the last 20 years or so is that we have enabled a golden age of conspiracy theories.

These conspiracies always existed but they lived on the fringe, not on our newsfeed.

It is more democratic but this is the real fake news, although each theory has proponents who would argue that.

Combined with the growing mistrust of "Government" we now find conspiracies everywhere.

If the Government experts announce vaccines are safe but some erroneous data indicates erroneously that it might correlate with an increase in autism we spawn a anti-vax movement, based on nothing at all.

In fact since vaccinations became nearly universal, you can correlate them with any thing else that also increased.  Of course that isn't cause and effect, but not everyone understands that.

We have a menu of conspiracy theories so you can pick the ones you want.  Our President likes anything that makes him look better, no matter how far-fetched.  He obviously delves into far right web sites which in some cases simply make them up based on next to nothing.

It just seems like a big conspiracy.

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