Friday, November 8, 2019

Democrats Should?

In show after show about the upcoming primaries and subsequent election you hear pundits talk about what the Democrats should do.

They need to nominate a candidate who appeals to independent voters or who shuns far left policies or who can beat the incumbent.

Of course the advice is part of the new world we live in where cable has created so much time that simply needs to be filled with something.

Maybe years ago when party bosses decided who the nominee was going to be strategy like this could happen.

Today, however the decision is made in the primaries and those are decided by the people who vote.

The primaries have many flaws, participation is not what it should be and potentially we nominate candidates who don't really represent the party as a whole.

However the primaries are a form of Democracy which allows the voters to select the candidate.

The reasons any one person might vote for any one candidate can be complex, but I know we don't all get together and decide who to vote for.

The Democrats and the Republicans don't get to decide the candidate via back room deals.\\

Look at the last round of Republican primaries where the outcome was clearly not expected.

Democracy is simply a messy process, it will be who it will be.

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