Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Tide of Change

It was true in the early 1800s and is true today, the growing populations in certain areas is predictive of the politics of tomorrow.

It is fairly inevitable and while it takes a bit of time, like the tide it can't be stopped, just delayed.

Democracy is designed to create a Government that reflects its citizens and as the citizens change so does the Government.

Some might not like the changes and want to hold them back as long as possible, but one way to make them happen even faster is to tweak the dragon.

Inevitably we will have a significant change n the Republican party or they will cease to be relevant eventually.

Not everywhere and not all at once, but policies that rely on an aging population that is shrinking as a percentage of the total population can not survive forever.

Its what Democracy is supposed to do, represent the people, the people here now, not some past time.

Its actually a good thing and its happened before.  Many things we considered essential to Government were not even considered a couple of hundred years ago.

Its call progress.

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