Friday, November 22, 2019


Elections are often treated like popularity contests when they should be about issues.

If you consider the issues important to voters you get a mix of economic and social ones.

I believe most Americans are pretty close on how they feel about most issues, however because of the spin applied they feel far apart.

For example almost all Americans would like an immigration policy that protects our borders while still allowing legal immigration.

However it is generally presented by at least some media outlets as an all or nothing scenario.

For many years Governments didn't really enforce border security for many reason.  One reason was simply that we needed many of the undocumented workers to take certain seasonal jobs.

When did this rise to a major issue?  It seems like it was escalated by certain media outlets that created some catchy slogans.  The one about us not being a country if we don't enforce our borders is catchy.

The border issues are more significant the closer you are to them, although even then it doesn't seem to be a major problem except for an unfortunate few.

Yet somehow it has grown into a divisive issue, simply because it serves a political purpose.

We should set logical and reasonable goals and implement policies to achieve them.

Instead we fight.

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