Saturday, November 23, 2019

Violating Standard Behavior

One of the things the impeachment hearings have revealed is that we have become a nation without a strict code of conduct.

This was the obvious conclusion from the last election when lies were thrown about recklessly against one candidate while facts concerning sexual misconduct, financial malfeasance and lying about the other candidate were dismissed as lies.

Now some might argue the opposite because we have now created a public space where the number of false accusations and rumors have led to everything being questioned.

One could pretend that all news sources are equally credible, but that would be incredibly naive.

We have long established well regarded news sources and then we have things like Infowars and Breitbart which range from pure fantasy to twisted truth.

To many people they are equally valid.

If you consider something like the shooting at Sandy Hook, we have a well documented actual event which was called a hoax by one of these media sources.  It's ludicrous but it gets out there.

When some of these outrageous stories are debunked it tends to make all media suspect.

False news however started can be reported on as something being asserted, making it seem somewhat relevant if done enough.

This tactic is being used currently to make the behavior of the administration seem like something everyone does anyway and therefore no big deal.

It is a big deal to try to use your position in the Government to further your own interests.

Its not normal or common and accepting it is simply a lowering of our Standards.

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