Sunday, November 3, 2019

Offensive Defense

The thing I have trouble understanding is why some seemingly intelligent people go on TV and say clearly outlandish things.

Some simply repeat meaningless talking points, propagated for the base but which I simply can't believe they actually believe.

For example, they continue to act like there was some issue with Hillary Clintons use of a private e-mail server when investigation after investigation uncovers no leaks, not compromised secrets and no wrongdoing.

The fact that a small number of emails received by her may have retroactively been determined to have classified data is meaningless since she was clearly in possession of a suitable security clearance.

The sender might need some retroactive instruction on procedures, but, none of these e-mails were hacked or provided to enemies of this country.

It might play well as a refrain with some of the base, but when I see someone who clearly should know better simply act like there was something there, it is clearly a talking point which I don't believe they can believe.

In fact the current strategy of many of these people is to drag out the Clinton's and try to argue their guy isn't any worse then they were.  Well since they hate the Clintons so much, shouldn't they also condemn their guy?

Lies and hypocrisy are what they have left when the facts are not longer in question.

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