Friday, November 1, 2019

Health Care for All

The next election is likely to be decided, at least partly, by the issue of Health Care.

No one opposes providing it, although some seem to want to exclude certain people from receiving it, but the major issue is about how to pay for it and how to provide it.

Ultimately the health care we receive is provided by health care professionals, on-line resources, parents, various other providers using traditional or holistic methods, and, ourselves.

A great many things can be self treated or simply get better by themselves.

When something is more serious or traumatic, like a broken limb or bleeding wound, medical care is required.  Still it is more efficient to make using the simplest remedies cost effective.

How to do this and provide a system that assures everyone has access to the care they need is the issue.  Our current system works for a fairly large percentage of the population but not for many others.

A lot depends of whether you have a job with benefits or not and if not how you obtain health coverage.  It also varies widely by where you live.

It would seem that one way would simply be to provide coverage to all those who don't currently have it and work out a transition plan for the rest.

We spend a tremendous amount on health care already and it would seem that an efficient system could reduce overall costs and provide the same or better coverage.

Its the details that are hard.

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