Thursday, October 31, 2019

Why Do You Care?

Some of the issues that seem to be the most divisive are things that really mean almost nothing.

For example who cares if you have to push one to continue in English?

I was brought up to respect the flag, but I also realize that it isn't particularly significant and if someone wants to wear a flag bikini its pretty meaningless.

I suppose there might be situations where I am using a bathroom where someone enters who makes me feel uncomfortable, but I don't use a lot of public bathrooms in the first place and even if it did it probably wouldn't scar me psychologically.

I will say that I don't care what you call yourself but I a too old to keep learning new terms.  If I call you by a gender defining term that is not to your liking, I don't mean anything by it and why does it matter?

There are many other trivial things that get people excited when we should really focus on things that make a difference.

If you think you are woke, you are likely just differently prejudiced, thinking all those unwoke people are the problem.

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