Tuesday, October 8, 2019


If you consider the future of America based on every demographic trend, its darker in complexion than it is now.

Between immigration and birth rates, people of African, Hispanic and Asian ancestry are increasing faster than people from people of Northern European ancestry.

It really shouldn't be an issue, everyone will be an American after all, except we have some politicians and a party that has sold its future for current advantage.

Trying to convince "white" Americans that they are in some sort of danger and need to adopt restrictive voting measures, stringent immigration strategies, and other measures to maintain their control is short sighted.

Even Republicans realize they need to expand their appeal to more minorities, but that becomes a bit of a conflict with the current repressive approach.

Generally more and more voters are not registering with either party, but minority voters are not trending in favor of Republicans.

Considering the trends this is a recipe for disaster for them but while the inevitable looms, they rely on an aging base.

The "victory" in the last presidential election was by the slimmest of margins in a few states that swayed the electoral college.

Repeating that will be almost impossible and will continue to get more and more difficult.

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