Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Swing States

The next election is going to be decided by a fairly small number of people living in the swing states.  Of course every vote counts but most of us who live in states that are certain to go a certain way, barring some miracle, their electoral college votes are already determined.

So it will come down to certain swing states.  Which way these states swing will most likely determine our next president.  The last election was a few hundred thousand votes elect someone who got 3million less votes than their opponent.

The system isn't going to change anytime soon so the question facing Democrats is should they select a candidate who is the most popular overall, or, one who can win those states.

Clearly it would be ideal if that was a single candidate, but the progressive wing, which dominates the coastal area with the largest population, may vote for a candidate who will be "too left" for those voters.

Of course the policies of the left, universal health care, income equality, climate change policies, etc. could be popularized before the election in those states but that is potentially high risk.

Of course any Democratic candidate will support those policies to some extent so the progressive agenda might be sufficient. 

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