Saturday, October 19, 2019

They Didn't Make Tea

Hopefully the silliness over the e-mails is finally over.

It was never a thing in the first place.

The point is that the use of a private e-mail server is simply not even riskier than the Government systems which have been hacked many times.

People who deal with sensitive issues write e-mails and classified items are almost always given special attention.

However, sometimes a reference can be made to something in an e-mail that can be referring to something classified.

Especially when you reclassify items after the fact.

The simple fact is that outside of politics it was clear there was no real issue.  The people involved weren't trying to compromise any issues, they were simply communicating about their jobs.

Sometimes they may have failed to properly mark a document but they weren't disclosing secrets to the enemy.

We have much worse going on now, and the people who created the tempest in the teapot are suddenly quiet.  The teapot was empty but we certainly have lots of caviar and vodka now.

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