Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Alternate Realities

As the truth about the President's malfeasance sinks in with the American public, his defenders are trying to revive the old hits from the past, especially related to Hillary Clinton.

Of course she isn't even in the current race and the attempts to deflect attention are unlikely to succeed.

First, because her use of a private server indicated no actual leak of classified information.

She  never colluded with a foreign poser to try to steal an election.

Sometimes the old standards just don't work anymore.

The only real question is, after the other disgraceful things he managed to get away with, talking degradingly about women on tape, using derogatory language on tape, insulting war heroes and gold star families, spreading lies and misinformation about many things, including immigrants and supporting racists and white nationalists, is this enough to bring him down?

That remains to be seen, but it will probably have to happen quickly to be effective, the more time passes the more he comes up with alternate versions of reality.

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