Sunday, October 6, 2019

Helping People, Radical?

One of the main themes of the upcoming election is that some of the candidates are just too radical for America.

Providing everyone with health care, the right to love anyone you want, the right to control your own body, the idea that income should be more equally distributed, humane treatment of immigrants and refugees are some of the radical ideas attacked

In sum one party is saying we can't afford it as a country or certainly can't afford it for non-citizens.

All of this while some people are amassing wealth that would embarrass the robber barons of the past.

Economic conditions in this country have actually deteriorated for the majority of people while improving for others.

It is a skill based technology based world where many of the things that were simply taken for granted about employment no longer are givens.

Good medical care, and adequate pension, job security are mainly things of the past or things reserved for the few, not the many.

Our employer based system for providing them has been collapsing as technology and greed has reduced benefits and driven up employee contributions.

The idea that it is radical to want everyone in this country to have access to health care and everyone an opportunity to retire with dignity is, well, radical itself.

The country is wealthy because of its people, all its people, both new and old.

They all should share in it.

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