Sunday, October 13, 2019

Moving Forward

It would be a  better world if we all led a lives that followed the golden rule, love thy neighbor as you love thyself.

We seem however to have problems with the definition of neighbor.

Most of us have replaced it with a version that goes, watch out for number one.

This is becoming more and more prevalent in our country and our world.

People in need are ignored and the mantra you hear is very nationalistic in tone.

The idea that this attitude can somehow make a county great is mistaken.

Greatness is a product of innovation and spirit.

If you have a closed mind and a desire to stay the same you will never be great.

There is no example in history of a closed society being great, it stagnates and gets passed by others.

Lets welcome the future and not try to recreate a past that we remember better than it actually was.

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