Monday, October 7, 2019

Any Farfetched Theory Will Do

Watching the current situation in Washington, it seems like the administration is simply floating any theory it can think of hoping one will stick.

The primary theory seems to revolve around proving some sort of conspiracy where the deep state, foreign countries and anyone else they can think of conspired to defeat Trump.

Obviously they didn't do it well, primarily because they didn't do it well.

The fact that enough voters held their nose and voted for the Republican candidate because they were fed so many lies and conspiracies about his opponent led to a electoral college victory while he was thumped in the popular vote.

No one conspired against him except maybe himself, as no one thought he was going to win in the first place.

The assistance he got from foreign governments (Russia), Wiki leaks, the FBI, and to some extent the progressive part of the Democratic party allowed him a victory which was more accident than historic.

Why would there be a conspiracy?

It would have been silly at the time.

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