Thursday, October 24, 2019

Modern Benedict Arnold

Breaking security rules was a cause celebre for many of the Republicans who did just that yesterday.

Taking and using a cell phone in a SCIF is a serious violation and the culprits are unlikely to be punished.

Arguing that Republicans are being locked out of the hearings when nearly half the committee members in the meetings are in fact Republicans shows that this was purely a publicity stunt.

In some ways I don't mind the meaningless protest, they are having trouble finding productive ways to defend the President.

He wasn't exonerated by the Miller report, he obstructed justice but since then he has continued to violate various laws and worse engaged in behavior that is getting our allies killed and displaced.

What he calls a big success is a blemish on this country that will outlive his Presidency and him.

He is the Benedict Arnold of foreign policy.

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