Sunday, October 27, 2019


When you consider the state of Christianity today its not very promising.  In its early days it was a religion that offered a message of love, a chance to be "born" again into a community where you were expected to love God and your fellow man.

While that message may live on in some areas, the general view of the religion is one where many of the so called Christians seem driven by self interest and in many cases bigotry.

Those evangelicals who claim to be Christian while supporting an amoral President and hating many of their fellow men should stop calling themselves Christians.

They have in many cases turned a blind eye to love of God and kindness to others and adopted convoluted biblical interpretations.  The old testament is not a Christian document, it is the basis of Judaism.

Those who quote it as God's word should realize it is not Christian at all.

They are no different from the Scribes and the Pharisees and the money lenders condemned by Jesus in their behavior.

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