Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Big Lie

There is so much lying going on in Washington right now that it is hard to  weed them out and get to the truth.  It is likely a deliberate policy and designed to throw everything into some level of confusion for those not paying a lot of attention.

Oddly despite clear evidence a certain number of the public believe things that are contrary to what their own leadership admits.

Simply put, if you believe that people are spreading lies about the President, you disregard almost everything.

Of course we have some wild accusations being spread by the administration which once again is designed to make everything seem questionable.

It was  tactic used by various totalitarian regimes, the big lie.

Take Germany's invasion of Poland, which was claimed by the Germans to be self defense.

As ludicrous as that seems it was in line with other lies they had gotten away with concerning how Germans in other countries were being oppressed under foreign regimes.

The Russian rolled out that lie about the Crimea.

The know not everyone will believe it, but they only need enough to cause inaction.

Its the same tactic about the administration misbehavior.  Of course he sees a real possibility of losing the electoral vote this time as well as the popular vote.

Its close to desperation time.

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