Saturday, October 12, 2019

Immigrants R Us!

One of the ironies in this country is the fact that people who were looked down upon when they were part of an immigrant wave, have now switched to the ones who want to discriminate.

Our earliest inhabitants who weren't native Americans were English, French and Spanish with some Dutch and Swedish people mixed in.  Of course we had the African Americans who were brought here against their will.

Subsequent waves of immigrants including Irish, Eastern European, Southern European and Asian were all initially discriminated against.

We now are applying that discrimination to current immigrants from Central America.  It should be noted that many Puerto Ricans and Cubans went through this in the 50s and 60s who are now generally accepted.

In fact, except for African Americans the history shows that after a generation or at most two the immigrants are fully integrated into our society rising to important positions in Business and Government.

African Americans and to some extent Jewish people remain easily identifiable and to that extent still experience some degree of discrimination.

We may be seeing a change in that but what is more certain is that the Central American people who are considered inferior now will be fully integrated into society in a generation or two.

Why make them wait?

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