Wednesday, October 16, 2019


When you listen to the pundits discuss the Democratic candidates and the various groups in the Democratic party, it just seems like they get it very wrong when they think it is divisive.

Certainly there are differences in the positions and many different factions that support different approaches to goals and aims.

It is the way we work these things out and as we move forward we will sort out the outliers and the voters in the primaries will make choices.

At this time there is too much time, too many candidates and too many issues to know who will emerge.

Hopefully, unlike in 2016 we will see a leader with charisma emerge who will build momentum and get the nomination, like in 2008.

As much as I admire and respect some of the candidates for their long service, I would personally prefer someone younger with broad appeal to emerge.

Either way, no matter who the candidate, the party will be energized by the liar in the White House who has jeopardized the rights of minorities, our climate, our health care, our international relations and ultimately our economy.

The economy was on a strong recovery when he was elected and all he has accomplished was to increase profitability for his cohorts, not the well being of the middle class.

We need to get America back on track to our future.

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