Sunday, October 20, 2019


When you consider the impetuous nature of our President its a wonder things aren't worse.

Of course according to him things are going just fine.

Our skyrocketing deficit caused in part of the tax law he pushed which spurred a brief increase in profitability gets bigger and bigger.

While unemployment is low, the jobs being created are not high paying manufacturing or mining but mostly low paying service jobs.

Income inequality continues to grow. Many people are being forced to work multiple jobs to cling to the American lifestyle.

Homelessness is at an all time high as well as opioid addition as the demands become greater and greater.

Our trade wars hurt many sectors with the full impact still to come.

We have lost influence in Asia, the middle east and have betrayed one of our allies.

We are about to turn Afghanistan back to the Taliban, an oppressive regime that promoted terrorism.

He has adopted policies that treat fellow humans in humanely.

He has reached out to foreign Governments to attack his political opponents and has welcomed their interference in our elections.

The only promise he has kept are the ones to his Russian master and his rich cronies.

The rest of us are on our own.

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