Saturday, October 5, 2019

Tough Audience

If I don't trust you I'm not going to believe much of what you say.

In much of Rural America, experience has taught them that politicians can't be trusted.

They have generally seen declines in many areas important to them because of the ongoing economic trends in the country and the world.

A lot of manufacturing that provided jobs has gone away unable to compete with cheaper imports.

Medical care has become more expensive and difficult to obtain as the number of medical professionals in these areas have declined.

Young people have opted to move to bigger cities where there is more opportunity.

The country as a whole seems to have abandoned some of their basic core values concerning religion and sexual preferences.

Illegal immigration has led to increases in crime, welfare and a general attack on their way of life, at least as they see it.

They are older, angrier and certain that America has lost its way.

When they hear promises about universal health care, taxing the wealthy, reducing student debt, none of it resonates with them, it just sounds like bigger government and more taxes.

They don't support impeachment and probably never will.

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