Sunday, November 17, 2019


It wasn't that long ago when the Republican party was opposed to the expansion of executive power in this country.

Of course they did that when we had Democratic presidents.

It details some of the problems we have n this country (not just us) with having a semi official two party system.

While the largest group of voters (about 38%) identify themselves as independent, there are very few elected officials who are independent.

The ones that are, like Bernie Sanders, are really affiliated with a single party.

Certainly the two parties claim to stand for American values but they have become so partisan in certain areas, like gun control, abortions, equal rights that we come to a near stop on legislative progress.

As they go down this path, many people drop party affiliation as they view one as too left and one as too right.  Of course as they leave they reduce the number of moderates in their old party leading to shifts to the fringes and more moderates leaving.

This plurality of Americans are poorly represented.

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