Thursday, November 14, 2019


Thee is a lot of commotion being made by certain Republicans concerning the identity of the Whistleblower who first reported the phone conversation with the Ukraine.

They argue that his identity should be disclosed since defendants have the right to face their accuser.

While this is not particularly relevant in an Impeachment inquiry, it is also irrelevant because the Whistleblower is not an accuser.

He reported a event that he felt might be a concern to the appropriate channels.

This is not an accuser under any definition of the word and to pretend otherwise is simply spin.

It would be like someone reporting a car accident to the police who would then investigate.

It is then the police who determine the circumstances and specifics of the situation and if someone did in fact break the law the actual witnesses and accusers would be identified.

The original person who notified the authorities is not an accuser or necessarily a witness.

The same hold true for the Whistleblower.

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