Sunday, November 24, 2019


Realistically, it is pretty obvious that Hunter Biden only got the job with Burisma because of who his father was.  That is of course not corrupt unless it led to some sort of "quid pro quo" where Burisma benefited here.

Some say that this was when the VP got the Ukraine to fire the corrupt prosecutor, but since there is widespread consensus that this was strongly supported by the International community and his investigation into Burisma was over, it isn't much.

Children often benefit from famous parents, i.e. the Trump children but it isn't corrupt unless it actually is.

One may wonder if having Hunter Biden on the board didn't help Burisma in some situations where it could appear to others that it gave them an inside track to the American Government, but clearly they hired him for that very purpose and unless he did something corrupt for them it is simply the way business is.

Of course some will cling to the idea of corruption because it helps cloud the corruption of withholding Government assets or using your office for personal gain.

Those are actual acts of corruption, not flights of imagination.

Proof vs innuendo, I prefer the proof.

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